(15 months-3 years)

Our Infant Community welcomes a maximum of 16 children of walking age. In this class there is one guide for a maximum of 8 children. The use of practical objects (dishes, broom, washboard …) made to the child’s size, guides him/her towards a necessary and desired autonomy. Potty training is implemented at the first signs of interest of the child and in agreement with the family.

This is also the period when they refine their dexterity by handling small objects and also by painting or drawing. Language is of course fundamental. If bilingualism may slow down the process of vocabulary acquisition, the magic of language learning at a young age remains. It is our great pleasure to see the French-speaking children speaking Spanish after one year and vice versa.

Finally, the oldest children of the class begin to manipulate the tough letters to play with letter phonetic sound or sophisticated sensorial material (pink tower, Seguin table, …) to understand the concept of orders of magnitude.

Finally, psychomotricity and yoga activities are proposed several times a week with specific material (Pickler scale and others).


Snack time 

Before noon, the children can serve themselves some fruit salad prepared by the educator or by the children themselves (banana, strawberry…).


Outside of the work periods, the key moments of the day are:

– the exit in the playground at 11 am

– the meal at 12:00

– nap time from 1pm to 3pm maximum

(During that time, the community children are with the 3-year-old children in the Children’s House class)

Painting easel available

Nap time