The school offers three spacious classrooms, with direct access to restrooms for the youngest children, a multipurpose room/cafeteria, and a 200 m² courtyard equipped with raised garden beds and play areas.
A library space will be set up for the 2025 school year to provide students with a dedicated area for reading and cultural enrichment.
Our Classrooms
Our classrooms are designed to encourage movement and active student engagement in learning. The spaces are thoughtfully arranged to provide freedom of movement while ensuring respect for others’ work, allowing children to experiment, explore, and collaborate.
The organization of furniture and educational tools promotes independence: each student can easily access the resources they need and choose their preferred way of working.
The classroom is a flexible environment that offers workspaces on the floor, at tables, and in both individual and group settings.
Because we believe that a flexible and well-adapted environment stimulates curiosity and motivation, our classrooms become true spaces for discovery and learning.
School Composition
- One class for children aged 15 months to 3 years (Children must be able to walk to join this class).
- One preschool class covering Petite Section to Grande Section.
- One elementary class from CP to CE2.
Classroom Ambiance for 15 months-3-year-old Class
Level P2 (ratio of 1 adult to 8 children)
1 Spanish-Catalan Montessori educator and 1 French-speaking assistant
Classroom ambiance for 3–6-year-old Class
Level P3/PS (7 children) + P4/MS (7 children) + P5/GS (7 children)
1 French-speaking Montessori educator and 1 Spanish-speaking assistant